Make Mine Fine
Your one-stop-shop for fine chocolate, chocolate events and experiences, chocolate making equipment, books, and everything chocolate.

The innovative TSIRO Alliance in Madagascar commits to conserving biodiversity and improving the livelihoods of over 2,000 small-holder cocoa and spice farmers
What is fine chocolate?
Fine chocolate is defined in terms of its flavor, texture, and appearance, as well as how its limited ingredients — high cocoa and low sugar content — are sourced and processed.
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Where does fine chocolate come from?
Chocolate comes from cocoa beans, and cocoa beans come from cacao trees, similar in size to apple trees. They are found in the humid tropics within 20 degrees of the equator. The region is sometimes called the “cocoa belt.”

Make Mine Fine is an initiative of the Fine Chocolate Industry Association (FCIA).

Make Mine Fine has been featured in The New York Times.